29 June 2021
No spectators during CAIO Valkenswaard
After many discussions, the organization behind Driving Valkenswaard International has made the decision to hold the competition this year without specators. The priority of the organization is that the competition can be held in a safe manner for all competitors and volunteers.Clarity
“Everyone knows that we are living in a strange time”, tells chairman Ludo Hertroijs. “The current guidelines are positive right now, but it is difficult to predict what the situation will be in the future. When looking at other countries you see how quickly things can change. We wanted to give both the competitors and public a clear answer now, so we have decided to not allow spectators to the event.”
“When we began planning the event for this year, we made the decision that the sport is the priority. And we still stand behind that 100%.”

Photo: Krisztina Horváth
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