19 April 2018
Kronenberg 2018: Three horses not fit to compete
The international three-star competition in Kronenberg, the Netherlands, started this morning with the Horse Inspection under a lovely sunshine. Three of the over 250 presented horses received the sign 'not fit to compete'.The horse of Sweden’s single driver Johan Herner unfortunately did not pass this first inspection which meant the end of the competition for him. One horse of Swiss pair driver Werner Ulrich and a horse of the Belgian pair driver Filip Kindt also received the sign not fit to compete.
The dressage started after the horse inspection at 12.30 hrs in two arena. The single horse class is well filled with 69 Athletes who all want to get a taste of the wonderful site of Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen which is also host of the World Championships later this year at the end of August. The first half of this group drives their dressage test today, as well as the horse pairs. Friday is reserved for the remaining singles, the para drivers and the four-in-hands.
Click here for the starting orders and results
Click here for the photos of the horse inspection.
Photo: Krisztina Horváth